As I explained in the email, here is what you should get, 1 Deluxe hosting and 1 website security. $311 with this coupon code CJCOFF50HU When you get the hosting, you will be given a free domain. Adding a second domain will be about $12 for the first year as well. If we set up the website security on the main domain to the account, it will filter down throughout your server, so you don’t necessarily need to buy 2. I can get your second SSL for free through Cloudfare and backup both sites externally to google drive. I can also add added security measures within WordPress. Also, if you want to add domain email, that would be extra as well. But what I am showing you in this image would get the party started. All of this is good for 12 months. You can buy longer blocks of time for a cheaper rate. If you want, I can do all of this for you either on my own or together over zoom or phone, you would just need to create a godaddy account, add a credit card, and provide me with your login info and I’ll knock it out. I will be sending an additional email to clarify design costs. I just wanted you to have this so you can begin to move forward if you wish. Let me know if you have any additional questions regarding domain, hosting, and security.
Thank you for reaching out. First things first, if you didn’t already, please watch the video walkthrough. Then see the information below explaining the breakdown of the potential investment for your project. Be sure to view this presentation on both your laptop and phone to see the responsiveness of the page. Let me know what questions you may have.

The Proposal
Website Setup / Framework & Branding $1,500 x 2 $3,000
This is the setup process of initiating your site.
Installation of WordPress, all necessary plugins; ie: Salient, iThemes Security, Gravity Forms, etc. Getting the site functional by implementing proper navigation, maps API, google analytics, customize header and footer, page transitions, navigation features, etc. Branding the site by implementing an updated logo, comprehensive branding pallet, color scheme, site icon, favicon, social linkage, etc. Along with many other elements too intricate and extensive to list.
This project can be completed within 45 days.

Nuts & Bolts
- WordPress
- SEO Optimized
- Optimize Images & Videos
- Sitemap Creation
- Favicon & Site Icon
- Maps API
- XML Site Submission
- and more…
- Salient
- iThemes Security
- CloudFare
- Gravity Forms
- Google Analytics
- and more…
Site Content / 5 Pages (@ $300 per page) $1,500 x 2 $3,000
Pages are priced at, on average, $300 per page. Because of the screen size cross-compatibility of modern sites, it’s challenging to explain price per page. But the way we explain a page is any amount of visual content and text that can fit on a typical computer screen (1920 x 1080) with three screen-sized up-scrolls (meaning whatever can fit on 4 screen-sized spaces of digital real estate). This is flexible, just giving you an idea of a typical page.
Your pages could potentially be:
- Home
- About
- Services
- Portfolio
- Contact
Logo Design x2 $400
As you can see, I mocked up two logos just for the sake of effort. If you would like to have me give the logos a shot, I would be willing to. If you decide to go with whatever I may create, the logos would be $200 each. I would create several renditions based on your direction until it is finalized and supply you with every format you would need to do with as you please. If we find the direction is not panning out, I wouldn’t charge you anything, then you could send it to Fiverr where I’m sure a solution could be achieved.
Business Card Design and Pre-Press $150
This includes a one-time cost for design and pre-press file set up. (premium cards can contain up to 10 files for production) Future card orders will not include this. Check out our business card portfolio here.
Business Card Printing - Variable
Ultra-Premium Cards – Option A – Cost $600 per set
Let’s do this!
Send a revision.
Email ShaneInvestment $6,000
Invoice PendingConsider it done in…
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Watch this client video testimonial.

Ken Flippin Jr.
We've done business with Dieter Designs for over 15 years now. Our web presentation, aesthetic appeal, and marketing materials would not be as effective without their talents. They have a customer for life!

Paul C. Tijerina
Dieter Designs built my site and they continue to hone it for me with BEYOND impressive results. When we sit down to work, the magic just flows. If you're looking for modern, crisp, clean, and functional.. look no further.

Brina Marcus
The team at Dieter Designs is amazing at what they do. They bring so many great ideas to the table while continuously educating themselves to provide above and beyond your expectations. I would recommend them anytime to anyone.

Andrei Mignea
Dieter Designs is one of the best creative teams that I have worked with. They always come through with amazing results. I highly recommend their talents and attention to detail. Their work speaks for itself.