can have a very negative impact on your business, driving potential customers away before they have time to learn about your products or services. This effect is even more severe when an individual isn’t already familiar with your product or service. Keeping your website up-to-date will greatly increase the likely hood of potential new customers choosing you over the competition.
- Are you operating your business with a “lack-luster” website?
- Do you mumble the address when someone asks for your URL?
- Would you say your website represents your company with the same enthusiasm you do?
- Are you tired of trying to get your sister-in-law’s, bestfriends, neighbor to respond to your emails about finsihing the site they started for you two years ago?
- Maybe you were thinking 2019 might be the year you set aside time, energy, and money to invest in a makeover, but… you’re… still… deciding?
If any of this hits home, maybe it’s time to take action.